Saturday, July 27, 2024

Exercise mimetics: a pill for neurogenesis and neurological disorders

 Since I'm sure your competent? doctor completely failed at getting you 100% recovered so that you can't get the full benefits of exercise for neuroplasticity, WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR DOCTOR DOING WITH THESE MIMETICS? Nothing, like usual?

Exercise mimetics: a pill for neurogenesis and neurological disorders

Exercise mimetic is a new strategy for neurological disorders by boosting neurogenesis

There is an increasing consensus on the positive effects of physical exercise in a broad spectrum of models of human diseases [148, 149], particularly CNS disorders such as AD and PD [150]. Besides the therapeutic effects on the pathological process of diseases, exercise also has a favourable impact on cognitive function in neurodegenerative disorders [6, 8, 33, 151, 152]. It is fairly clear, as many studies have discussed [38, 153, 154], that exercise could be developed as a pharmacological strategy for neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunction, presenting as exercise mimetics [38, 39, 155] (Table 1). This becomes particularly important for older adults and patients with injuries or severe neurological diseases who have difficulties in conducting exercise regimens. Exercise mimetics are an attempt to let ‘exercise effects’ become available to the whole population through pharmacological proteins or factors (such as BDNF, Clusterin, irisin, and IGF-1) (Table 1). Interestingly, several featured studies have been conducted recently to explore the potential of ‘exercise mimetics’ in improving brain functions in neuropathological or ageing conditions [34, 36, 37]. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes underlying the communications between the periphery and the brain (such as muscle-brain crosstalk, liver-brain axis, and gut-brain axis) in response to exercise can facilitate development of exercise mimetics. We here particularly focus on the molecular effects of exercise mimetics on adult neurogenesis and cognitive function in neurological disorders.

Table 1 Candidate molecules of exercise mimetics for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders

Go to this link to see the table in readable format

From: Can exercise benefits be harnessed with drugs? A new way to combat neurodegenerative diseases by boosting neurogenesis

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