Friday, August 23, 2024

Executive dysfunctions in the physical rehabilitation of stroke population: narrative review.

Described a problem, offered NO solution! Useless!

 Executive dysfunctions in the physical rehabilitation of stroke
population: narrative review.

Disfunciones ejecutivas en la rehabilitación física de población
con accidente cerebrovascular: revisión narrativa.
Mauro Obreque-Quian1a, Germán Gálvez-García2,3b, Arlette Doussoulin-Sanhueza4c
1. Department of Therapeutic Processes, Universidad Católica Temuco, Chile.
2. Department of Basic Psychology, Psychobiology and Methodology of Behavioural Sciences. Behavioural
Sciences. University of Salamanca. Spain
3. Department of Psychology. University of La Frontera. Temuco, Chile.
4. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco. Chile
a. Kinesiologist, Lic., MSc. Physical Therapy.
b. Psychologist, Lic., PhD Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience.
c. Kinesiologist, Lic., MSc. Human Motricity, PhD. Human Motricity.
Received: 09-11-2023
Approved: 14-03-2024
Authorship statement: Both authors approved this submission.
Conflicts of interest: The line of research was developed as part of the FONDECYT REGULAR project (1200326).


Following instructions, inhibiting environmental distractions, planning and executing
complex motor tasks, and controlling impulsivity are fundamental executive skills to participate
satisfactorily in a rehabilitation program.
This review aims to make the rehabilitation team aware of the importance of executive dysfunctions in the
rehabilitation process of post-stroke patients.
a literature review was carried out using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane
Library databases, including articles published up to April 2023. Combinations of search terms were
used for three categories: stroke, executive functions (EF) and executive dysfunctions. We selected cross-
sectional designs, clinical trials and systematic reviews that included the terms /dysfunctions and stroke.
we identified 174 articles that met the search criteria, of which 121 were discarded because they
addressed concepts other than the study objective. In addition, 7 were found to be duplicates. 46 articles
were selected based on relevance, pertinence, and up-to-date relevance.
impaired EF is a heterogeneous syndrome in which the simultaneous interaction of multiple
cognitive processes, such as the ability to reason and solve problems, is often severely compromised. This
impairment can be detrimental during the post-stroke rehabilitative process, as components of executive
function are necessary principles for real-world functioning.

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