Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Insight Into Challenges During Rehabilitation of Stroke-Related Impairment in the Elderly

 FYI. I'm certainly not buying this.

Insight Into Challenges During Rehabilitation of Stroke-Related Impairment in the Elderly

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0675-8.ch006


Despite surviving an acute stage of an illness, geriatric people suffer from chronic impairment and disability. Improving quality of life in an ageing population is complicated with comorbidities, decreased psychological ability to cope, issues related to frailty, and wavering socio-economic circumstances. To achieve improved health or a near normal function up to premorbid level, special considerations for rehabilitation in geriatric population are required. The present chapter illustrates the above through case series of three geriatric patients, who suffered from stroke and despite receiving treatment from the primary physician and some rehabilitation inputs, these patients continued to show a decline. However, timely intervention and comprehensive assessment by the rehabilitation physicians brought forth significant factors hindering their rehabilitation, which were resolved through the multi-disciplinary and holistic approach of rehabilitation. Changes in the disabilities of these individuals reduced the burden on the caregivers/family members and reduced financial costs.
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