Sargeant Schultz ' I know nuthin' from Hogan's heroes. This seems to be a popular response from our doctors.
Hippocrates from approx. 400 BC 'It is impossible to cure a severe attack of apoplexy and difficult to cure a mild one’ Back then stroke was called apoplexy. So in 2400 years we have barely moved in terms of stroke rehabilitation knowledge. If we get survivors in positions of power we won't take 2400 years to get something accomplished.
Einstein 'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' Does this imply that all stroke survivors that believe in using neuroplasticity are insane for that belief? Or should we just ignore Einstein because we are smarter than him?
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Thomas A. Edison
This goes with along with the Einstein quote, although I think that I will probably find millions of ways that won't work before I get neuroplasticity to work for some of my deficits.
Breakfast saying for bacon and eggs - the chicken is involved but the pig is committed. The medical staff is involved but the survivor is comitted.
So if you want something done give it to a survivor.
'All strokes are different and all stroke recoveries are different'. The second part can be proven wrong by a longitudinal research study following survivors for 20-30 years.
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