Monday, October 18, 2010

depression and stroke rehab

If it occurs to you seek medical help, it is not easily overcome on your own and untreated really slows down your recovery.
Depression was not really present during the 5-week hospital stay, mainly because I was not told anything about how severe my stroke was or what the likelihood of recovery was. I was thinking that I would be back to normal in 9 months. The psychiatrist I saw in the hospital tried to get me to admit that I was mad at my body for failing me, I refused  to believe it because I was still under the impression I would recover fully and soon. After release from the hospital and research started on the internet did it finally dawn on me that I was totally screwed considering the physical deficits I had that barely seemed to get better. Anyway depression did set in around 6 months, I saw a social worker a couple of times. Persistence and never giving up are key to keeping going, I figure I have 40 more years of living to do yet and if I work hard on recovery they will be much more enjoyable that moaning about my sad lot in life.
Currently am seeing a therapist and taking Zoloft. It has provided a better attitude, but a lot of that is because I have figured out what needs to occur to recover, not easy but possible.
And anti-depressant drugs have been shown to help motor recovery. Although I'm not sure that I'm within the necessary timeframe.  Probably by increasing the level of serotonin in the central nervous system.
Prozac May Speed Physical Rehabilitation After Stroke

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Dean! I like your positive approach to a very difficult situation.
