Sunday, October 17, 2010

How to stay informed of stroke rehab

Add 'stroke rehabilitation' to Google alerts,  You will get a daily email containing 4-10 links that cover stroke rehab. 1-2 of them each day are worth reading.
Add 'stroke rehabilitation' to Yahoo alerts. This one gets you 1 link every week or so. not really worth doing since the Google one is better.
There are lots of neurological magazines you could put an alert in but google seems to pick those up anyway.
The google alerts picked up one of my blog postings
dean's stroke musings: Is the stroke rehab research emperor naked which was interesting because it didn't pick up brewing and stroke rehab.
Anyway I will have to put stroke rehab in all my blog posts to see if that works.

It worked!! Todays google alert had this entry in it.
dean's stroke musings: How to stay informed of stroke rehab
By oc1dean
Add 'stroke rehabilitation' to Google alerts, You will get a daily email containing 4-10 links that cover stroke rehab. 1-2 of them each day are worth reading. Add 'stroke rehabilitation' to Yahoo alerts. This one gets you 1 link every week or so.

So from now on all my titles will have stroke rehab in them. And after you read those web articles leave a comment for the authors taking them to task for the lack of detail they are providing.

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