Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What the hell makes you think you know more than your stroke rehab staff?

I get this question from my wife. Shes a PT so any questions questioning the medical profession are seen as an attack on her training.
For anyone else asking this question of me the answer is as follows. Hell yes, my original doctors proved that they were not keeping up with medical advancements. I live and breath thinking about this 24 hours a day. I have read numerous books on the subject and hundreds of research abstracts. I also read all the questions and answers on 12+ stroke forums on the web. Every stroke association web site is way too general to help any survivor. So I am arrogant enough not only to think I am smarter and more knowledgeable than my medical staff but I know I am. Read my post What my doctor should have told me about stroke recovery to get an idea where I think we should be going.

1 comment:

  1. This has been an education in a whole different way. I had LOTS of medical professionals following the stroke that were obviously, obviously, OBVIOUSLY not keeping up with research. I can empathize with your wife because I'm a PT too but OMG I think that the majority of health care providers do not know enough, I found that out the hard way and that's a dire shame.
