Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 top stroke blogs

From Licensed Practical Nurse -  no longer running these awards

  • Know-Stroke.org http://knowstrokeblog.my-physical-therapy-coach.com/

  • Surviving a Strokehttp://survivingastroke.blogspot.com/

  • The Stroke Recovery Blog http://recoverfromstroke.blogspot.com/ Peter Levines' blog, read all of his posts they're better than mine

  • Barb’s Recovery http://barbpolansrecovery.blogspot.com/

  • Recovering Stroke Survivor http://lori-recoveringstrokesurvivor.blogspot.com/ I'm not sure what language this one is in but I'll figure it out eventually.

  • Stroke of Faithhttp://stroke-of-faith.blogspot.com/

  • So what are you doing reading this one?

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