Friday, November 5, 2010

getting blackballed from stroke forums

As soon as I got home from the hospital I started particpating in stroke forums. First as a lurker, sometimes asking questions and eventually becoming a prolific poster of answers. This behavior got me kicked off of several forums for not following their rules.
Health Boards, ejected, No website with a forum is allowed to be posted
WEMove, warned because posting a link to a .com website.
MedHelp, warned because posted complete article, inluding attribution, copyright rules.
Stroke Survivors Advocacy Network, ejected, I think this was because I was emailing James Baranski - president of the NSA - describing how badly the NSA is missing its mission. That somehow got to the creator of the network and I was blackballed. 3 months later I tried logging in again and it worked, but my pictures and blogs were deleted, leaving my messages and some discussions intact. Well I won't be gracing them again.
I haven't given up. These are just minor irritations, they seem to have no concept of how easy it is to get an email address.

If they truly wanted to help survivors they would figure out a way to handle these minor problems. So I created this blog where I can spout off to my hearts content. So far the feedback has been good. I had saved most of my best postings and have recreated them here.

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