I read PT forums. This one on stroke rehab was appalling.
The posting has been deleted but the following was copied before it was gone. I guess criticizing PTs is not allowed.
Dear fellow physios,
i think i need a helping hand with a stroke patient.
He has had a RIGHT CVA about 20 days ago. Unfortunately, they let him go from hospital 10 days after the stroke.
I started seeing him last week and has no movement at all on LEFT arm.I
read that no shoulder shrug or finger movements are not good prognosis.I
am using electrical stimulation, massage with a brush, passive
movements and PNF patterns to re-learn the movements.Last Monday he had
spontaneous adduction of LEFT SHOULDER that's gone again.Do you think
his arm will recover?
As for his LEFT LEG, he has no control of knee extension.How can we manage locking of the knee?
Thank you all
Not a single one of the answers even suggested that they look at the
brainscan or diagnosis to see if the functions they were trying to get
the patient to do were even possible. Every answer just assumed that all
they had to do was to tell the patient to move this way and if the
patient couldn't do that, well then obviously the patient is slacking.
As Charlize says,'All you have to do is raise your voice'. Boy what
lack of knowledge. This corresponds to my earlier post on theoretical basis of stroke rehab.
You will also notice that this PT is still under the impression that immediate therapy is required. See this for the latest;
Late start to stroke therapy
I haven't quite decided yet if I should stick my neck out and take them
to task, if I do I will create another id because that reply would
probably get me kicked out.
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