Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Nasal Spray against Alzheimer's Disease and Stroke

This one is pretty unknown yet, especially since it hasn't been tried in humans yet and doesn't yet seem to have a good understanding of why it works.

Researchers have claimed to develop a nasal spray against Alzheimer's disease and stroke. The spray is expected to repair the vascular damage in the brain by provoking the body's immune system.
Researchers of the Tel Aviv University have claimed to develop this spray. Dr. Dan Frenkel, of the Tel Aviv University's Department of Neurobiology, says that they have done the clinical trials of the medication which have shown that it prevents brain tissue damage and restore cognitive impairment.
Dr. Frenkel believes that this new medication is a milestone which may help in developing vaccination and long-sought cure for Alzheimer's disease. He added that this spray might open new pathways for the treatments related to the immune system and could also reduce the cases of stroke and Alzheimer's disease. It may also prevent the progression of disease.
Researchers have conducted the tests of the spray on mice but it has not been tested on humans yet. The test conducted on mice has shown that vascular damage was prevented after the injection of vaccination and no side effects have been reported.
Dr. Frenkel told that this drug has already been tested safely by GlaxoSmithKline as an influenza treatment but it is unknown that when it will be available.

Ok, what are the active ingredients in the spray?

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