Monday, March 21, 2011

nostrums for apoplexy cure

This was so fascinating I had to research some more. And all these 10 wonderful cures for apoplexy from the late 1800's to early 1900's. I wonder what happened to them all. And if you die from apoplexy just take, Dr. Sibly's Re-Animating Solar Tincture.
The word derives from the Greek word apoplēxia (ἀποπληξία). Hippocrates used the word in his day to describe stroke.
Dr.Greene's Nervura sold for apoplexy along with 29 other afflictions

Dr. A. Upham's Valuable Electuary - remedy for paralysis, apoplexy and measles

Paul Gage’s Tonic Antiphlegmatic Elixir

As well as worms and the more likely coughs, colds and asthma, the Elixir would cure apoplexy, scrofula, gout, dropsy, palpitations, skin conditions and ‘diseases of women.’

Dr. Munyon’s Homoeopathic Home Remedy Company The Wonderful X-Ray machine---It is medical electricity. Cures nervous prostration,overworked brains and broken-down systems, stiff joints, paralysis, pains in any part of the body.
Sounds like it could help my apoplexy

Dr Junod's Exhausting Apparatus
Important Notice to the Afflicted
ALL Persons suffering from PARALYSIS, SPINAL
GIA, ASTHMA, Pain in the Head, or all cases of INFLAM-
MATION or CONGESTION, should at once try Mr G. W.
Gedney’s VACUUM APPARATUS, by Dr. Junod, which has
been practised with great success for upwards of 40 years.
Testimonials of the highest character on application to
64, Victoria Street, London Road, Ipswich.

Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
The same medicine cures
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, paralysis, locomotor
ataxy, nervous headache, scrofula, chronic erysipelas,
and influenza

Allcock's Porous Plasters
The plasters were not only supposed to to help lumbago – other adverts suggested using them for such varied disorders as quinsy (you had to put a strip of plaster under your chin, stretching from ear to ear), diabetes, St Vitus’s Dance, epilepsy, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, coughs and colds, asthma, pleurisy, whooping cough, consumption, ruptures, sciatica, paralysis, rheumatism, tic douloureux and kidney problems.

CURES Burns, Sores, Piles, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, White Swellings, Wens, Hip Disease, Chest and Lung Complaints, &c., &c.
Allan's Anti-Fat
Some adverts claimed it also cured dyspepsia, palpitations, rheumatism and gout, and prevented heart disease, apoplexy and paralysis.

Mormon Elder’s Damiana Wafers

Actually creates new Nervous Fluid and Brain Matter by supplying the Blood with VEGETABLE PHOSPHATES, its Electric Life Element, the very core and center of the Brain itself—Restoring the fullest and most Vigorous conditions of Robust Health of Body and Mind, so that all the Duties of Life may be pursued with Confidence and Pleasure, and whilst pleasant to the taste never fails to Purify and Enrich the Blood, and thoroughly invigorate the Brain, Nerves, and Muscles. Its energising effects are shown from the first day of its administration by a remarkable Increase of Nerve and Intellectual Power, with a Feeling of Courage, Strength and Comfort, to which the Patient has long been unaccustomed

And something for my baldness:

Dr. Sibly's Re-Animating Solar Tincture - So use this to prevent death from 1793

In all circumstances of suicide, or sudden death, whether by blows, fits, falls, suffocation, strangulation, drowning, apoplexy, thunder and lightning, assassination, duelling, &c., immediate recourse should be had to this medicine, which will not fail to restore life, provided the organs and juices are in a fit disposition for it, which they undoubtedly are much oftener than is imagined.
I do wonder how you successfully get the medicine down the throat of a 'perishing' person.

Just think, these nostrums may come back as the height of medical intervention if our medical insurance/HMOs price everyone out. Remember to ask your doctor about the validity/efficacy of these, you are not to self-medicate.

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