Monday, March 7, 2011

The Science of Stroke: Mechanisms in Search of Treatments Dr. Michael A. Moskowitz

When I first saw this referred to in ten steps forward in stroke research  I knew I had to find it. I was unable to locate a free copy on the web so I contacted my local library and the librarian agreed to find me a copy from a partner library, but she ended up finding a free copy on the web here;
This is just the introduction, check out the URL if you want to read more;


Few neurological conditions are as complex and devastating as
stroke, the second leading cause of death worldwide. Also
called a brain attack, victims may suddenly experience paralysis,
impaired speech, or loss of vision due to interruption of blood
flow (ischemia) caused by thrombosis or embolism. Less
frequently (<15%), strokes are caused by hemorrhage or cardiac
arrest. On average, strokes in the USA strike once every 40 s and
cause death every 4 min, with an estimated 41.6% death rate in
2007 (
absolute numbers are likely to rise. Among survivors, work
capacity is compromised in 70% of victims, and 30% need
assistance with self-care. Hence, the disease burden is great.
The estimated cost for stroke is 73.7 billion dollars in 2010
(USA) and projected to be 1.52 trillion dollars in 2050 (in 2005
dollars) (are spared, and the problem is global. For example, in the
Russian Federation and China, the estimated death rates per
100,000 population are five to ten times higher than in the USA
(mankind. For the above considerations and more, there is a compelling
need to accelerate efforts to interrogate the stroke process and
define the links that exist with other conditions such as vascular
and neurodegenerative dementia. It is also crucial to expand the
narrow repertoire of therapeutic opportunities for these devastating
conditions. To accomplish this, novel approaches are
required that expand upon our evolving mechanistic understanding
of the fundamentals of cell survival and death
processes as well as tissue repair. The future depends upon
how successful we are in deciphering these mechanisms and
bringing clarity to the complex interactions between the multiplicity
of cell and tissue types within brain (
with this knowledge and its successful therapeutic application,
the field of stroke could be transformed.
In this spirit then, this brief review addresses selected issues
fundamental to the science of ischemic stroke and vascular
dementia. It begins with posing questions about stroke risk
factors followed by a discussion of key cell and tissue mechanisms
that render brain susceptible as well as tolerant to
ischemic injury, including those promoting tissue protection
and repair. The review ends by highlighting promising treatment
strategies, inspired by these endogenous mechanisms, which
present the opportunity to open new avenues in stroke therapy.

Selected section titles are here;
Parenchymal Failure: Why and How Does the Brain Die during Ischemia?
Salvageable versus Nonsalvageable Tissue: Salvageable Tissue Is the Target for Therapy

What Are the Prominent Mechanisms Leading to Cell and Tissue Demise?
     Calcium Dysregulation
     Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress
     Cortical Spreading Depolarizations
      Necrosis, Necroptosis, and Autophagy: The Execution

What Causes the White Matter Damage Underlying VCI?
Why Does Stroke Increase the Risk of Dementia? This is worth reading although we need prevention
How Does the Brain Repair Itself after Stroke?
Repair and Remodeling Processes after Stroke

Moving Forward: Charting a Course toward New Stroke Therapies
Additional Strategies for Repair and Recovery: Trophic Factors and Cell-Based Therapies

Someday I'll compare Dr. Moskowitz's theories with Dr. Clarkes Clarkes' stroke protocol
These two are the best I've seen and  wonder why there aren't more references to them.We have to get away from the only acute stroke medication is tPA. Everyone of your doctors should know about this, my opinion only.

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