Sunday, April 24, 2011

Evidence to change your beliefs

My take on this. We have to change the minds of all the medical staff associated with stroke rehab and research. We will gore a lot of very smart egos doing so but it is necessary since we need to make progress before the baby boomers really start having strokes. And I am one of the early baby boomers having had a stroke.

from the Primum Non Nocere blog

1. Confronted with evidence your opinion is flawed you amend your view accordingly,
2. Confronted with evidence your opinion is flawed you amend (read: ignore, or misrepresent) the evidence accordingly.
Anyone interested in sanity, and reason, will adopt option 1. Of course, the anti-science movement, without exception, chooses option 2

Our evidence should consist of all the possible therapies I have outlined that need to be researched and the existing possibilities of neuroplasticity. We can't wait for them to come around to this point of view on their own sweet time. Time is brain, and we need to get cracking now. So start talking to your medical staff and researcher and see what they don't know. I'll be arrogant and say to point them to this blog for education.

1 comment:

  1. And if all can't be done by the time I hit 65 (I'm one of the late boomers)? Do we perish or do what we do best, be courteous but persistent? Sometimes we don't get what we think we need. Such is life.
