Friday, April 15, 2011

Shak stroke therapy - really!?

This one had lots of comments on stroke forums a couple of years ago. I found a couple of email addresses and asked John Wilson Green for scientific proof of his claims. He never responded.
My opinion: This is Bogus,Bogus, Bogus
Developed By John Wilson. Green and very effective at making what where once unusable limbs, able to regain sensation function better and in some cases  completely back to normal especially stroke victims. With over 30 years of  experience! Tried and tested, SHAK Therapy has helped many many people regain movement and feelings back in their limbs  and strengthened their Thought patterns as well as getting their speech back  within minutes! YES! Minutes...
 Avery powerful Therapy that has  helped countless numbers of people regain the use of their limbs after a  stroke or an accident. Giving them back their own independence.
The speed at which many have regained their limb movements / speech  etc. has amazed it's developer john W. Green on many occasions, especially  at times when he thought "No way" and even then Shak Therapy has worked!
 It is nothing but! astounding...
 You will not find this type of expertise anywhere in your local hospitals  or Doctors surgery, It is totally unique to just think UK dot com

 Or his personal web page;
Having had the ability of Psychic vision for all of his Life, John only recently came out of the Psychic Closet when he went on the "Street Psychic" Television show, starring MrTony Stockwell.One of the other panelists was Mr. Colin Fry who noticed something in John and asked Him to be a Tutor at His College In Ramsbergsgardens, Sweden which John Gladly Does
It must be stressed that John's approach to the world of PSI is infused with his natural humor and energy. This can annoy some people, who! for some Hollywood injected reason; have a misconception  that you have to scream and run if confronted by a spirit presence; purely because they do it on a famous Haunted program.
John's approach and the way he teaches his students leaves an understanding; that not all spirits are going to jump out and scream BOO!! the evidence that the Hull Psychic development group gets both via the people who attend and the video footage captured, every single night when the group meets; is very comforting to all concerned; With the knowledge that our family and friends are still with us and can communicate with us because of the better understanding created by all who attend the Hull psychic Development group. John is constantly attacked verbally or by email and the like, by People who have NEVER EVEN MET HIM and Know nothing whatsoever about him, which is a shame as he Is a very good Medium / Psychic / healer and teacher of the same subject. His back ground of Knowing Hypnosis does not stop him from being a good Psychic and teacher. It is like saying that because someone is a "carpet salesman" he cannot possibly be a psychic? or if someone is a "Professional party planner" then that person cannot be a Psychic also.? this weird idea, that! because you have been given a job label i.e. John W. Green "Professional Hypnotherapist" does not stop him from being Psychic?? the mere idea that some people believe that if you have a job label! you cannot be psychic is ridiculous. Another example, one of the best Psychics is a "Barber" just because he cuts hair does not stop his God Given abilities, so please ... Unless you have actually met John or even been to one of his Development classes, stop the barrage of false accusations.
here is a potted version. Just for those who would like to know what John does in the world of PSI and has done for many years, long before the TV started showing their jump and scream shows :
Here goes:
John W. Green Has appeared on Living TV; On The Street Psychic with Mr Tony Stockwell and Mr Colin Fry. He did very well during Auditions for the show, but! never got to go to the Psychic school, a castle in Scotland. He was told that he was too professional and they where looking for Raw talent.
John Has gone on to be a very good developing medium and has Tutored advanced mediumship skills at Colin Fry's College In Sweden.
In September 2004 John W. Green was asked By "IPM Productions" to Host a brand new TV show called The best of British mediumship, with Mr Colin Fry and Mr Tony Stockwell as the two stars of the show. Played at various venues around Great Britain, Including Manchester opera house, Pavilion Theatre, Bournemouth, Royal Centre Nottingham, The Empire Theatre Liverpool, Glasgow Pavilion, The music Hall Aberdeen and The London Palladium.
John Has been healing people for many years as both a Hypnotist and a Psychic medium and loves every aspect of the subject of spiritualism. John W. Green is also a developing Physical medium and regularly sits in his own Circle based in Hull.
John Wilson Green Likes and Dislikes:
Likes:Spending Quality Time with His Wife Suzie
Likes: Good Manners / Courtesy
Likes: To work In the dark (closer to Spirit)
Likes: Cooking weird made up recipes with no menu to follow
Likes: Wine Gums
Likes: Visiting His Parents as often as possible
Likes: Skeptics (helps to keep ones feet on the ground)
Likes: Meeting New people
Likes: Haunted Locations
Dislikes: Bad manners and pure Ignorance
Dislikes: People who try to force their own beliefs on others
Dislikes: Pseudo skeptics
 Date Of Birth: 16/04/1959
Place Of Birth: Hessle Road, Hull
Star Sign: Aries
Eye Colour : Green
Hair Colour: Mousey Going Grey
Height: 5 ft 8’’
 Offices, Yorkshireman Public House, Lombard Street, Hull East Yorkshire. HU2 8QL UK
e-mail john W. Green direct

You will notice the psychic and medium parts of his work, no scientific background at all.
Run away


  1. where could you find a therapist to do shak therapy ??

    1. Didn't you read the post? Its completely unscientific. I gave you email addresses if you really want to contact him. You're going to have to work on your own to lose your money.
