Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best Practices in Stroke Rehabilitation - webinar

I'm certainly not going to pay for this but maybe you should tell your therapists about it and then tell them to visit my blog for all the points they will miss. (not really sorry about being arrogant)
The field of stroke rehabilitation is undergoing a major paradigm shift as a result of a number of
forces, including our understanding of neuroplasticity,(what about neurogenesis? it is the future) developments in neuroimaging to guide
treatment, and the emergence of evidence-based research in key specialties, such as physical
therapy. The National Stroke Association recognizes that physical therapists play a key role in
maximizing stroke rehabilitation and recovery and in promoting improvements to stroke
survivor quality of life. This 2-part webinar series will emphasize the practical application of new
research in stroke rehabilitation.
Webinar #1 Overview of Stroke, Its Impact on Patients and Gait Training
Topics to be covered:
• Pathophysiology
• Neuroplasticity and recovery (what does it mean to therapists in the trenches)
• Effective patient feedback information to promote effective interventions
• Gait training approaches (given the negative recent evidence from the LEAPS and LE robotic
• Body Weight-support Treadmill Training to Improve Walking
Webinar #2 Stroke Rehabilitation Training and Therapies
Topics to be covered:
• Sensorimotor Training and Upper Extremity Recovery
• Managing Spasticity to Maximize Rehabilitation Therapy (increase the emphasis on evidence based interventions that are therapist driven)(This would be entertaining to see)

• Impact of spasticity on rehabilitation - you missed William M. Landaus' screed against treating spasticity
• Physical modalities to improve spasticity: Positioning, splinting, etc.
• Medications to improve spasticity: Focal treatments to improve spasticity: Local Anesthetics,
Chemical Neurolysis, Chemodenervation
• Constraint-induced Movement Therapy, Mental Imagery (include both LE and UE and emphasize
modifications to CIT given its known limitations and limited clinical applicability for many
therapists "in the trenches")
• Electrical Stimulation and EMG Biofeedback and the Brain
• Describe EBP with respect to each rehabilitation topic.
• Implement EBP in the practice setting related to each of the rehabilitation topics and describe potential problems and barriers to
• Identify practical steps of implementing new rehabilitation strategies within your respective practice for improving stroke patient
• Summarize the importance of neuroplasticity in stroke recovery, and the effects of specific rehabilitation techniques on

I personally think Peter Levines' seminar on the same topics would be a better use of your time and money.

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