Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lifetime economic burden of stroke

Lots of detail about the costs, maybe this needs a lot more exposure to influence persons of power that control what rehab research is done. I would have hoped that the WSO would be updating something like this every year.

Lifetime Cost of Stroke in the United States 1990Link

Results The lifetime cost per person of first strokes occurring in 1990 is estimated to be $228 030 for SAH, $123 565 for ICH, $90 981 for ISC, and $103 576 averaged across all stroke subtypes. Indirect costs accounted for 58.0% of lifetime costs. Aggregate lifetime cost associated with an estimated 392 344 first strokes in 1990 was $40.6 billion: $5.6 billion for SAH, $6.0 billion for ICH, and $29.0 billion for ISC. Lifetime Cost of Stroke in the United States 1990

The Economic Burden of Stroke in the United Kingdom

Results: The model estimated that, for every patient who experiences a stroke, the cost to the NHS in the UK is £15 306 over 5 years and, when informal care costs are included, the amount increases to £29 405 (2001/2002 prices). The Economic Burden of Stroke in the United Kingdom

Estimating the lifetime economic burden of stroke according to the age of onset in South Korea: a cost of illness study


The lifetime costs of stroke were estimated to be: 200.7, 81.9, and 16.4 million Korean won (1,200 KRW is approximately equal to one US dollar) for men who suffered a first stroke at age 45, 55 and 65 years, respectively, and 75.7, 39.2, and 19.3 million KRW for women at the same age. Estimating the lifetime economic burden of stroke according to the age of onset in South Korea: a cost of illness study US costs
  • The conditions and disabilities associated with stroke cost the United States between $30 billion and $40 billion a year.
  • The average cost of care for a patient up to 90 days post-stroke is $15,000.
  • The mean lifetime cost of ischemic stroke in the U.S. is an estimated $140,048. This cost includes inpatient care, rehabilitation, and follow-up care.
  • As of 2005, stroke accounts for $57 billion in direct and indirect costs each year.
  • The estimated direct and indirect cost of stroke for 2008 is $65.5 billion. Economic burden of stroke in EnglandLink LinkThe most up to date analyses of the economic burden of stroke in the United Kingdom estimated an average per patient cost of £15,000 to £30,000 over the first five years after stroke5 but does not provide the total aggregate cost of stroke in the UK. A second study does calculate the overall cost of stroke care in England to be £2.3 billion in 1995-96 with lifetime per patient costs ranging from £2,000 to £62,000 I'm sure there are lots more countries with information but they are hiding it. Come on get it out there.

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