Sunday, August 28, 2011

Natural Stroke Prevention Herbal Remedies Natural Cure Stroke 2nd try

I couldn't help but post another one of these, found it by looking at how people get to my site.
This one, in my opinion, contains no factual data so don't expect anything useful. The original search was for this:

brain stroke recovery elixir

And my posting on nostroms from the 1800's was included in the results.
Obviously someone looking for magical recovery and susceptible to these claims.
A couple of the more fantastic lines here: read the article if you want to see what non-scientific information looks like.
  • The toxins and obstructions in the blood take up available room for oxygen and vital life essence (chi). When oxygen is cut off at the blood-brain barrier(Whoa, What??, that would kill you), stroke is the result.
  • Metaphysically, strokes denote a feeling of (1) being cut off from your source, (2) constantly feeling trapped in between walls or barriers (a rock and a hard place), (3) feeling like you are not able to persevere through life's (actually 'society's') challenges, (4) feeling stagnant in life and unable to move forward, (5) feeling like giving up in regards to life, (6) Resistance, and (7) rejection of life.
  • The greatest single herb you can take for prevention or remedy of a stroke is "Periwinkle." Periwinkle, botanically known as "vinca major," is a plant that naturally improves the blood flow to the brain area. It helps to arrest all excess bleeding disorders and is useful for hemorrhaging, excess menstrual flow, nosebleed, bleeding gums, and all other bleeding disorders. (attribution please)
  • Other beneficial herbs for stroke prevention and remedy include: Cayenne, Ginger, Cinnamon, Butcher's Broom, Gotu Kola, Cranesbill, Goldenseal Root, Manjistha, Holy (Blessed) Thistle, Gingko Biloba, and Mullein Leaf. (attribution please)
  • Because calcium is the most alkaline mineral in the mineral family, it helps to counteract acidity and bust up accumulated debris that stick to the arterial walls and thus open up clogged and obstructed arteries. Natural calcium-rich herbs include: Comfrey Root, Oatstraw, Horsetail, and Alfalfa. (attribution please)
  • Liquid oxygen drops are very helpful in stroke prevention and remedy as a liquid oxygen solution will greatly increase oxygen in the body. Because of this reason, I refer to liquid oxygen as supplemental oxygen. For post-stroke prevention purposes, a stroke sufferer should add 25-30 drops of liquid oxygen to each glass of drinking water. Where the hell did this come from??
  • Magnet therapy is very beneficial for stroke recovery. Magnets enhance circulation by causing minerals to spin in the blood and thus causing friction (heat) which causes blood vessels and arteries to dilate which improves and enhances circulation and thus blood, oxygen, and mineral flow. (I remember when I had to talk my parents out of getting a magnetic bed)
  • The crystal Melanite, a variation of Garnet, is very helpful for stroke recovery. It can be used for elixir purpose or can be applied to the forehead.( Oh my god, Apply to forehead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • With the correct or proper knowledge and tools, you can most definitely successfully bounce back from a stroke and reclaim your health and vitality. (In my opinion, knowledge not from this site)
Oh well, happy reading and don't spew your drink over your keyboard.

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