Friday, September 2, 2011

Creating Innovative Technologies that will Transform our Lives for Stroke

I have been reading The Sorcerers and Their Apprentices by Frank Moss. It is about the MIT Media Lab that fosters tremendous amounts of innovation.
some of the most inspiring ones as far as being transferable to stroke rehab are concerned are;
1. Amy Farber was diagnosed with a very rare disease, LAM, lymph-angiolio-myomatosis. She co-invented a revoluntionary web service that enables patients to participate in the search for their own cures. For the past five years Farber has been battling not only her own disease but also the wall of resistance erected by those who believe that a patient can make about as much of a meaningful contribution to the process of scientific discovery as a laboratory rat. This should be easily tranferable to stroke rehab if only we had an innovative person in any stroke association who could drive such a project.
2. The Gait Shoe which can measure and analyze a person's step and gait over long periods. This could finally give us objective information on what needs to be corrected in our hemiplegic gait vs. a normal gait. I'm sure with some tweaking it could send instructions to a powered AFO and eStim to correct the bad gait.
3. MIT Powered Ankle, this would need to be modified to be able to wrap around the ankle rather than be a prothesis.
4. Furry talking robots Nexi, I could easily see using this for aphasia patients.
5. Molecular machines, we could figure out nanotechnology for delivering drugs to the brain and maybe even how to connect neurons up again across the dead brain areas. With some of these super-intelligent students applying their expertise we could probably accomplish more in 6 months than the rest of the world in 10 years. Just Do It.

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