Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Increase Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Be careful out there.

Human papillomavirus or HPV is one type of virus that is feared by the women as related to cancer. Although HPV has been blamed as the main cause of cervical cancer, not all types of HPV develop into cancer. But that does not mean we can stay calm, because this time there is more bad news that warrant concern.

Medical experts say that women infected with HPV positive have a greater risk of heart attack or stroke compared with those not infected.

Based on the study, women who tested positive for one of 37 strains of papilloma virus have a 2.3 times higher risk of heart attack and stroke compared with women who are not infected with this virus. While the women affected by HPV strains leading cause of cancer, the possibility of heart attacks and strokes could be higher, i.e. 2.86-fold greater than negative women from this virus.

Dr. Ken Fujise who wrote the study, said that he expected the relationship between HPV and cardiovascular disease is quite weak, but he did not think that a woman infected with HPV can be 2.3 times more at risk of heart attack or stroke.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Texas this is the first scientific study that links between HPV and cardiovascular disease, so this study still require further research to ensure the relationship between the HPV virus by a heart attack or stroke. Even so the experts have previously recommended the use of HPV vaccine as a precaution.

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