Monday, November 21, 2011

Vitamin D does not improve endothelial function or arterial stiffness, but it remains the vitamin du jour

Supplement info to be correlated with your doctor.
Data from a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial has cast real doubt on the alleged cardioprotective benefits of vitamin D. Researchers performing the small study report that treatment with vitamin D for four months had no significant effect on endothelial function, vascular stiffness, or inflammation in healthy postmenopausal women.

"At this point in time, from the standpoint of heart-disease prevention, we have no evidence to prescribe vitamin D to patients, and we have no evidence not to give it," senior investigator Dr James Stein (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI) told heartwire. "We have other agents that have been proven effective to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. In the US, with many patients taking the supplement and many physicians prescribing it, some of whom are megadosing it, what we really have going on is a massive, uncontrolled experiment."

The study, led by Dr Adam Gepner (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health), was presented here this week at the American Heart Association 2011 Scientific Sessions. It included 114 postmenopausal women with serum 25-OH vitamin-D concentrations >10 and <60 ng/mL. The women were randomized to 2500 IU of vitamin D3 or placebo for four months.

Confirming several previous observational studies, the patients in the study with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to have a multitude of cardiovascular risk factors compared with patients with significantly higher levels at baseline. Stein acknowledged his study has limitations—it was small and only four months long and did not look at hard cardiovascular events—but the group saw no evidence of change across multiple surrogate end points, including endothelial function, arterial stiffness, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, and blood pressure.

"I am concerned that vitamin D has become the new vitamin C or vitamin E," Stein told heartwire. "It has been touted as a panacea for all sorts of conditions, including muscle aches, mood disorders, and fatigue, and is now being used by many physicians as a way to prevent heart disease."

The 20 000-patient Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) study is currently ongoing, but results of the study won't be available until 2016 or 2017. The study, which is led by researchers from the Brigham and Women's Hospital in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the National Health, Lung, and Blood Institute, is a randomized clinical trial investigating whether taking 2000 IU of vitamin D3 daily or 1 g of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke in people who do not have a prior history of these illnesses.

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