Monday, December 26, 2011

Young blood rejuvenates old brains

The ageing systemic milieu negatively regulates neurogenesis and cognitive function

The scientific post here:

The science blogger writing about it here:

This paragraph was fascinating;

These results suggest that chemicals found in the blood of old mice inhibit the generation of new brain cells, whereas chemicals in the blood of young mice promote it. The researchers then injected blood from young or old mice into young adults. Again, they found that animals injected with old blood had far fewer newborn neurons in the hippocampus than those injected with young blood, confirming that old blood contains soluble factors that inhibit neurogenesis.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging with other stroke survivors is such a relief. They get what I am talking about so much faster than therapists. It's not their fault. I didn't know what I know now when I treated stroke swurvivors either.
