Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bowling for therapy

A stroke group in Minneapolis has a weekly outing. We get 8-12 people there every Friday. A few of us can walk up to the line to bowl, some bowl from a standing position at the line. We even have a wheelchair user who rolls up to the line where he stands up and someone hands him his ball. No ramp use for any of us. Last week he got a little too vigorous on one of his releases and did a slow motion fall at the end. It only took about 6 survivors to get him back in his chair. The alley even lets us use our own tennis shoes to bowl so we don't have to practice tying the rental shoes with separate hands. One other guy stepped onto the lane a few weeks ago and found out exactly how slippery they are, bruising his affected hand. I've been doing pretty good, 2 weeks ago a 180, last week a 190, this week I'm expected to hit 200 --- No Pressure, the organizer tells me thats the best ever bowled in this group. >:roflmao:
What we should look like:


  1. Woo hoo! Go Dean!

    Sorry for everyone getting hurt, but kind of nice as a stroke survivor to get to go around telling people you are suffering from athletic injuries suffered during competition. That should give people something to think about!

  2. Love the imagery of the slow motion fall and all the survivors working to get him back in his chair. I can't imagine trying to bowl. My back hurts most of the time already from walking so twisted!

  3. Not that good this week. 125,137,112
