I've been reading Thinking, Fast and Slow / Daniel Kahneman. He breaks down thinking into 2 systems, System 1; fast, intuitive, emotional; System 2; slower,deliberative,logical. As survivors we probably had to switch most of our thinking to system 2,including most of our motor control
Research by Roy Baumeister shows that the nervous system consumes more glucose than most other parts of the body, and effortful mental activity needs a lot of glucose. His implication is that this depletion could be rectified by ingesting glucose. Who is going to take up the research to see if figuring this out might help the massive fatigue most survivors have? Or do we have to figure this out ourselves? This is not medical advice: Do not self-medicate.
I told you I could make any subject into a post about stroke rehab/research
"I could make any subject into a "post" about stroke rehab", and I do! The best fodder is kids. Operant conditioning: kids are the best template. Motor learning: "Why do we allow kids to make all kinds of mistakes, including falling, while their learning to move, but survivors are told they're doing it wrong?" But, yeah, everything relates to stroke recovery because everything relates to the brain.