Thursday, January 26, 2012

United Kingdom Stroke Forum Conference Dec. 2011

This page contains the various presentations or you can open the links below. I didn't find anything useful in them, except for Pippa Tyrrell.

2011 Speaker Presentations

Conference presentations, where speakers have given their permission, can be viewed below and are listed each day in alphabetical order of speaker surname. Some sessions are therefore missing. Unfortunately the UKSF is not able to provide hard copies of slides.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

British Association of Stroke Physicians' Training

John Potter - Managing Blood Pressure after Acute Stroke Adobe Acrobat file

MDT Rehabilitation Training

Therese Jackson - Delivering rehabilitation in a changing economic climate Adobe Acrobat file

NSNF/SSNF Training

Gill Cluckie - Risk Communication in Thrombolysis Adobe Acrobat file

Jennifer Davies - Stroke Survivor Speech Adobe Acrobat file

Maree Hackett - Return To Work (results embargoed) Adobe Acrobat file

Charlotte Lee - Advocacy and Stroke Adobe Acrobat file

NHS Stroke Improvement Programme Training

Sarah Gillham - Knowing where you are Adobe Acrobat file

Ian Golton - Making a difference Adobe Acrobat file

Jill Lockhart - Making a difference Adobe Acrobat file

Barbara Zutshi - Maintaining Momentum Adobe Acrobat file

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Cognitive Workshop Breakfast - All Slides Adobe Acrobat file

Rhoda Allison - Integrating ESD with community services Adobe Acrobat file

Bev Bennett - Enhancing dysphagia management: facilitated e-learning works and offers value for money (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Adrian Brady - AF and anti-coagulation Adobe Acrobat file

Michelle Brogan & Mark Smith - Telerehabilitation Adobe Acrobat file

Archibald Coulter - Extracranial stenosis causes overestimation of tissue at risk on CT perfusion imaging of acute stroke (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Fiona Coupar - Home-based therapy programmes for upper limb functional recovery after stroke: a Cochrane systematic review (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Pooja Dassan - Cerebral microbleeds in acute ischaemic stroke are associated with higher serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

David Davis - The pre-hospital paradigm Adobe Acrobat file

Matthew Fay - Commissioning for stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Joanna Fletcher Smith - A survey to explore the acceptability of the treatment approaches used in the DRESS study (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Gary Ford - Pre hospital Stroke Research Adobe Acrobat file

Vijeya Ganesan - Managing childhood stroke in adulthood Adobe Acrobat file

Ian Golton - Introduction to Shaping Community Stroke Services Adobe Acrobat file

Caroline Haw - Making information about stroke more accessible (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Martin James - Will delays in treatment jeopardise the population benefit from extending the time window for stroke thrombolysis? (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Louise Johnson - Observation of Physiotherapy for Gait Re-education Post Stroke – How Do Therapists Use Instructions and Feedback? (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Stephanie Jones - Training call handlers to recognise stroke – the evaluation and impact of a training package (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Nicol Korner-bitensky - Implementing Research Evidence Adobe Acrobat file

Peter Langhorne - Researching Telehealth Systems Adobe Acrobat file

Jill Lockhart - Shaping Community Stroke Services Adobe Acrobat file

Kate McArthur - Central adjudication of modified Rankin Scale disability assessments in acute stroke trials (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Natalie Mohr - Analysis of the implementation of a validated swallowing screening tool for acute stroke: The Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MMASA) (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Amit Mistri - Patent Foramen Ovale Adobe Acrobat file

Helen O'Kelly - Accessing more than rehabilitation after stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Rebecca Palmer - Cost effectiveness of aphasia computer therapy compared with usual stimulation for people with long standing aphasia (CACTUS): results of a pilot study (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Valerie M Pomeroy - Advances in Upper Limb Rehabilitation Adobe Acrobat file

Cathy Price - Predicting Language after Stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Kristiina Rannikmae - Genetic associations of cerebral amyloid angiopathy - a systematic review and meta-analysis (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Christine Roffe - BASP Survey of interventional treatments for stroke in the UK (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Peter Sandercock - Third International stroke trial of intravenous thrombolysis with RTPA in acute ischaemic stroke: baseline characteristics of the 3035 patients randomised (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Penny Standen - WiiSTAR Adobe Acrobat file

Katie Thomson - The use of commercial gaming in stroke upper limb rehabilitation: a systematic review (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Hilary Walker - The London Stroke Model: Impact on quality of hyperacute care (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Caroline Watkins - UK practice (pre-hospital admission) Adobe Acrobat file

David Werring - Clinical Relevance of Microbleeds in Stroke (CROMIS-2): Microbleeds and genetic risk factors to predict the risk of intracranial haemorrhage after anticoagulation for cardioembolic stroke due to atrial fibrillation (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Thursday 1 December 2011

Myzoon Ali - Recovery from Post-Stroke Visual Impairment Adobe Acrobat file

Ann Ashburn - Activity levels post stroke: a three year follow up study (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Liz Cullen - Community Stroke Reviews – A Stroke Review Tool to deliver Quality Marker 14 of the Stroke Strategy (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Brid Farrell - Improving stroke care in Northern Ireland Adobe Acrobat file

Rebecca Fisher - Community Rehabilitation Adobe Acrobat file

Sarah Gillham - National work in improving access to psychological care in stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Louise Johnson - Observation of Physiotherapy for Gait Re-education Post Stroke – How Do Therapists Use Instructions and Feedback? (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Andrew Jones - Improving stroke care in Wales Adobe Acrobat file

Fiona Jones - 'We already do that in our practice’: changes in attitudes and beliefs towards stroke self-management amongst health and social care practitioners (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Micky Kerr - A qualitative investigation of Early Supported Discharge Services: moving beyond the evidence base (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Ian Kneebone - Anxiety Management post stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Caroline Lecko - Development of the national descriptors for texture modification Adobe Acrobat file

Nadina Lincoln - Measuring Change in Psychological Outcomes Adobe Acrobat file

Amit Mistri - Does labetalol increase short term blood pressure variability after acute stroke? (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Deborah Parkinson - Visual perception defects following stroke Adobe Acrobat file

David Saunders - Physical Fitness Training for Stroke Patients: a systematic review of the evidence (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

John Sinden - Human Neural Stem Cells: CTX0E03 therapy Adobe Acrobat file

Mirek Skrypak - Quality of life measures and their use in stroke services: insight into appropriate use and careful selection (Oral Abstract)Adobe Acrobat file

Catherine Stevenson - part 1 - Introduction of stroke assessment bay to improve access to stroke unit (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Catherine Stevenson - part 2 - Introduction of stroke assessment bay to improve access to stroke unit (Oral Abstract) Adobe Acrobat file

Pippa Tyrrell - The Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist story Adobe Acrobat file

Geert Verheyden - Assessing motor and functional performance after stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Elizabeth Weekes - Evidence supporting the role of dietetic intervention in acute stroke Adobe Acrobat file

Luke Williams - Distress management post stroke Adobe Acrobat file

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