Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stroke goals in 10 years

With thanks to Depleted cranium for this idea.
Be it enacted by the Congress of the United States:

The Treasurer of the United States is directed to pay to the first American owned company (if corporate at least 60% of the shares must be held by American citizens) the following sums for the following accomplishments. No monies shall be paid until the goals specified are accomplished and certified by suitable experts from the National Institute of Health or the

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

1. The sum of $3 billion to be paid for the repeatable complete recovery(not compensation) of 100 acute survivors 5 times in a row. Survivors consecutively chosen from different stroke hospitals.

2. The sum of $4 billion to be paid for the repeatable complete recovery
(not compensation)of 100 chronic survivors 5 times in a row. Survivors consecutively chosen from different stroke hospitals.

3. The sum of $5 billion to be paid for off-patented generic use of any drugs constructed to accomplish goal 1 or 2.

4. The sum of $10 billion for the documentation and training and delivery to all hospitals and neurologists/ER doctors and neurology professors in the US. To be accomplished in 2 years from start to finish.

5. The payments made shall be exempt from all US taxes.
That would do it. Not one cent to be paid until the goals are accomplished. Not a bit of risk, and if it can’t be done for those sums, well, no harm done to the treasury.
The World Stroke Organization doesn't have any goals like these, They have taken the easy way out by focusing on telling the world that if only you humans would take care of your health you wouldn't have strokes.
Lazy, Lazy Lazy.

This would be cheap if this succeeds.
If you have your own ideas please post them. It is useless to wait for our doctors/researchers/stroke associations to accomplish this. The current methods to fund stroke rehabilitation are not working.

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