Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Engaging with FDA: A Guide for Foundation Funders of Research

I bet the Alzheimers association and Michael J. Fox for Parkinsons are following these guidelines. Innovative stroke associations would be well served to attend.
Date and time: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 1:00 pm
Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Change time zone
Duration: 1 hour
Patient-driven foundations that fund medical research are increasingly seeking to productively engage with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), to ensure that regulators understand the needs of patients and have the knowledge they need to review and approve treatments that are important to patients. What can be achieved by building relationships with and working more closely with the FDA? What unique assets can patient groups bring to the table? How should you prepare, and what challenges can you expect?

Learn from the experiences of senior leaders of two foundations that are pioneers in engaging in product development and in working with the FDA:
• Mary B. Dwight, Vice President of Government Affairs, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
• Cynthia Rice, Vice President of Government Relations, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

This free Webinar is part of FasterCures’ Webinar series designed to spotlight innovative approaches to disease research.

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