Saturday, March 31, 2012

The ReWiiRe Project - Research for Wii Rehabilitation

Sounds cool but why can't the US have some innovative people working in stroke research? Do we need the UK to prove how its done?

Motivation & Project Overview

Wii technology is recreational software and readily available on the market. The Wii technology has proved to be a great motivation tool for doing exercises at home. Currently there is some adoption of the Wii into physical rehabilitation practice with anecdotal evidence but little systematic evaluation. Therefore it is important to carry out this work to provide a solid evidence base for practice and commissioning.
In this project we would be also employing the Nintendo Wii remote technology that users are familiar with as a motivation tool and adapt it so that it can be used within healthcare for physiotherapy based rehabilitation.

ReWiiRe stand for Research for Wii technology in Rehabilitation. The project aim is twofold. Firstly to investigate therapist use and the patient experience of using the Nintendo Wii console technology in physical rehabilitation programmes in four NHS Trusts across hospital and community settings. We will be seeking to work with people with stroke, musculoskeletal conditions and amputation. Secondly to develop a customised rehabilitation platform that employs the Nintendo Wii remote technology and open source 3D software for the delivery of motivating rehabilitation sessions.

Furthermore we wish to investigate how this can be taken forward with a view to using it as part of physical rehabilitation and examining how game console technology may be adopted for personalised home rehabilitation that can be remotely monitored and adapted by the therapist.
This research is carried out by a multi-disciplinary team that includes Central London Community Healthcare NHS and Brunel University's School of Health Sciences and Social Care and School of Engineering and Design.

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