Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ceresafe™ (Stroke Vaccine) - DO NOT BELIEVE

Found this though the blog ScienceRoll. A humor  site. I wonder if this is like Schrodingers' cat, Open the box and you kill the cat one time, the next time the cat lives. Those without computers/cell phones are SOL
With such a horrible condition affecting so many millions, it has become QuantumMAN™'s mission to eliminate this global menace by vaccinating those at risk. Having a revolutionary new stroke vaccine called CereSafe that is guaranteed 100% effective, QuantumMAN™ is armed to accomplish this mission.
CereSafe™ (Stroke Vaccine) programs your body in such a way that creates a biological terrain immune to stroke. You simply purchase CereSafe™ and receive a number of its Portal Access Keys™ (PAKs™). Accessing these PAKs™ via your personal computer, smartphone or tablet allows your body to quantumly receive (upload) CereSafe™'s master programs. Their directives repetitively transfer quantum biodata several times daily for exactly 10 days perfecting your biological terrain against any possibility of developing a stroke.
QuantumMan: Ceresafe
What Is "Quantum Teleportation?"
Admittedly quantum physics is weird especially the new reality technically called "quantum entanglement" which permits how two objects can be mysteriously entwined across great distances. The existence of the phenomenon of entanglement has been repeatedly affirmed over the years beginning in 1935 with physicists Erwin Schrodinger introducing the term of entanglement while Einstein and colleagues Podolsky and Rosen publishing their observations in Physical Review (SNL: 5/11/35). ZAG then developed its powerful technology utilizing this phenomenon that allows quantum bioinformation to be teleported around the globe via quantum computing. Entanglement is the basis of this ability to teleport quantum biodata from one physical location to another including the interface of the brain's neuro-network. Teleportation was first proposed in the scientific literature in 1993 by Charles Bennett and his colleagues. Teleportation was later experimentally verified in 1997 by Austrian quantum physicist Anton Zellinger and Colleagues in Nature.-

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