Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stroke rehab - mowing the lawn

We have a very small yard and a push reel mower that came with the house.  I try to mow the lawn  because its hard work, my walking is pretty lousy, my left arm will not stay straight enough to push the mower with any type of power. I usually have to wrap my right hand around my left hand, or when I get tired I just put the handle in my waist and push it that way.  You know when your OT told you that weight-bearing thru your arm/hand was good for you. If you were able to do that consistently you too could push a lawnmower or hold a bike handlebar straight.
If you look carefully you can see how politically incorrect this was/is:
A Savage brand, Super Chief model. Ok this company was started by Arthur Savage in Utica, New York as a firearms company.


  1. yup Okay. I will stick with my power mower. Actually we are just at the point where the grass needs to have that spring raking. Want some exercise racking my yard?

    That brand name is indeed pretty shocking.

  2. But Linda I don't have to worry about cutting my toes off or shooting rocks at someone standing nearby.. A 1/8 in. twig will stop the reel from spinning.
