Thursday, August 2, 2012

European research consortium plans to improve stroke rehabilitation

But they haven't asked me anything yet. Chipping away at the edges in your own silo is not going to help enough for the millions needing help every year. A comprehensive plan attacking every aspect of stroke is needed. Who is going to be the bold visionary that changes the landscape?
Researchers at the University of Luxembourg, along with their international partners, want to develop an easy-to-use, self-motivating tool that stroke patients can use in their rehabilitation process.  The 4.4 million euro project is funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme.
“Millions of people live with the consequences of stroke. We plan to significantly improve the monitoring and support of patients at home to maximize their recovery from cognitive impairments and to restore  cognitive functions such as memory, attention and the ability to concentrate”, says Professor Claus Vögele, who is leading the University of Luxembourg team of 7 international partners, including biologists, psychologists, neurologists, as well as industry.
Working together as part of the so-called CONTRAST project, they are developing an easy to use headset with neurofeedback electrodes, which aims to measure and increase the use of certain areas of the brain with brain-training exercises that can improve long-term cognitive performance and mental health well-being.
Prof. Vögele, whose brother suffered from a stroke, has a strong personal motivation to conduct research in helping stroke patients regain basic cognitive functions that are often lost following a stroke. “I saw a lot of missed opportunities in his rehabilitation process.  With our partners in CONTRAST, we can develop new rehabilitation tools that will help close the gap between acute patient care, rehabilitation, and outpatient care”, he explains.
In Luxembourg, the CONTRAST project is conducted by Prof. Vögele, Dr. Simone Witzmann and Cristina Campillo of the “Integrative Research Unit Social and Individual Development” (INSIDE), Faculty of Language, Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education, at the University of Luxembourg. In cooperation with the National Center for Functional Re-education and Rehabilitation, Luxembourg, (Rehazenter, Kirchberg), the researchers are looking forward to working to improve the rehabilitation process in Luxembourg’s stroke population.
The project itself here:

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