Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Vasa concept

I had to put this into its own post.  I don't think this is anything other than neuroplasticity.  Be careful out there.

A poster on SomaSimple called it:
"Who is Rajul Vasa ?

Why is this woman being allowed to use this forum to advertise her strange service ?

This woman is not genuine & following much research I believe her to be running a cold hearted money making scam that tricks vulnerable people into giving her money in exchange for mumbo jumbo crap that is not scientifically proven to work.

Trust me - if 1/2 of what this woman says she can do is true there would be medical schools, research scientists and business people backing & promoting her. She would probably even get a spot on Oprah!

Following much hard work and perhaps the use of aids such as saebo flex and the drug botox a stroke patient and / or cerebal patients may get some function back but not using the non specific , generalised nonsense Ms (not Dr!) Vasa writes of. Many people have been fooled and visited India on the basis of referees quoted on her website (many of these people are employees & / friends of hers )

Most insultingly, it is seriously vulnerable and desperate people who are sucked in and unfortunately they get very dissappointed. Usually people get told 'Oh you just were not positive enough ' or 'you did not believe in the Casa concept enough so that was why it did not work for you '

I am sure this text will be deleted by a monitor, but if my writings prevent just one person from being duped by this nonsense I will be happy that I took the effort to type this with my one functioning hand."
If you want to correspond with Ms. Vasa she is on the SomaSimple forum neurological section.
I have no intention of even looking at her protocols.

You can read pros and cons on this neurology message board so you can decide which experts version of truth you want to believe.

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