Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Link Between Eggs, Smoking, and Death

A fairly inflammatory article here.
But I do like this paragraph;
To be fair, eggs are not the most concentrated source of dietary cholesterol. According to the official USDA nutrient database, eggs come in second. Brains are #1. The top 15 sources of cholesterol are braised veal brains, then simmered cow brains, raw cow brains, cooked pig brains, lamb brains, raw pig brains, fried veal brains and only then eggs at #8, dried egg yolks. Then more brains, eggs (whole dried), brains, brains, eggs (dried), brains, and eggs (raw yolks). Avoiding cholesterol is a no brainer (sorry, had to!). The only population that appears at higher risk than egg-eaters? Zombies.

Think about those statements. Brains are the highest source of cholesterol. Doesn't that immediately lead to the question, Why does the brain have so much cholesterol and what does reducing cholesterol with statins do to our brain functions? Of course only zombies eat human brains so maybe human brains haven't been tested for cholesterol.

You will need to have your doctor decide between this post and my previous one here;

And then there is brains for sale, in case you really want your cholesterol sandwiches.

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