Sunday, October 28, 2012

Walking in the woods - stroke rehab

Just across the parking lot is the Meridian Township Natural Area - Towar Woods Preserve. There are a few unimproved walking trails thru it - only 125 acres. This weekend it was finally cool enough and enough leaves had fallen for me to walk thru part of it. It reminded me of grouse hunting in northern Minnesota, looking ahead constantly trying to see a grouse before it exploded into flight right next to you. That will be my therapy goal, walking on these uneven trails without staring at the ground. I want to see black squirrels and deer which is only possible if I look up.


  1. Go for it! Sounds lovely and therapeutic!

  2. I went on a few tiny hikes last summer. Exhausting, but so worth it. And I thought my gait improved a lot, too.

  3. Great goal, sounds much more fun, inspiring than rehabing indoors. Best wishes, and enjoy.

  4. Just yesterday my husband and I agreed it would be fun if we could hike together again.
