Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Allen Institute for Brain Science - Brain videos

A number of great videos explaining the brain here, your doctor should already have explained all this to you.  If you know anyone at this Institute ask them what they are doing to understand brain repair following a stroke.
We should be able to get to them in less than six-seven degrees of separation.

A visually compelling tour of the human brain, from anatomy to cells to genes and back.Zooming in on the human brain

From the retina to the superior colliculus, the lateral geniculate nucleus into primary visual cortex and beyond, R. Clay Reid gives a tour of the mammalian visual system highlighting the Nobel-prize winning discoveries of Hubel & Wiesel. This is the first lecture of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.  Lecture 1: A Walk-through of the Mammalian Visual System

From Universal Turing Machines to McCulloch-Pitts and Hopfield associative memory networks, Christof Koch explains what is meant by computation.This is the second lecture of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.  Lecture 2: What is Meant by Computation?

In an overview of the structure of the mammalian neocortex, Dr. Clay Reid explains how the mammalian cortex is organized in a hierarchy, describing the columnar principle and canonical microcircuits. This full-length, undergraduate-level lecture is the third of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.   Lecture 3: The Structure of the Neocortex

The retina has 60 different types of neurons. What are their functions? Dr. Christof Koch explores the definition of cell types and their functions in the mammalian retina. This full-length, undergraduate-level lecture is the fourth of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.  

Lecture 4: Cell Types and Computing in the Retina

Optical imaging offers a look inside the working brain. In this lecture R. Clay Reid takes a look at orientation and ocular dominance columns in the visual cortex, and shows how they can be viewed with calcium imaging. This full-length, undergraduate-level lecture is the fifth of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.

Lecture 5: Optical Imaging of Brains

Functional imaging has led to the discovery of a plethora of visual cortical regions. Dr. Christof Koch introduces functional imaging techniques and their teachings about the visual cortex. This full-length, undergraduate-level lecture is the sixth of a 12-part series entitled Vision & Coding 101, produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science as an educational resource for the community.  Lecture 6: Brain Imaging and Visual Cortex

From physics to electrophysiology and imaging, Dr. Miller and his lab focus on broad and far-reaching approaches to neuroscience questions. This symposium talk focused on questions similarly posed by Sabine Kastner, namely the relationship between action potential timing and brain function. By recording neural activity in monkeys as they switch among two tasks, Miller found that over half of the recording sites in the network for one task also appear to participate in the network for the other task. This suggests that circuitry in the prefrontal cortex may overlap and that oscillations are the key to selecting appropriate networks for the task that needs to be performed. Miller showed that neural ensembles, or networks, in close proximity oscillate out of phase with one another to avoid being simultaneously activated. That is, the oscillations bind neural ensembles together and ensure that multiple ensembles don't interfere with one another. In fact this work responds to a question posed by Donoghue: how is one particular neural ensemble selected from large populations of highly connected neurons? The answer, posits Miller, is that they must have a key feature to support cognitive flexibility, allowing them to change from moment to moment just as thoughts change rapidly from moment to moment. This may in fact explain a fundamental point about consciousness, Miller suggests: only so many ensembles can fit in a single oscillation cycle, perhaps accounting for the limited capacity of consciousness, or why we can only juggle a few thoughts at a time. "This," he said, "may be one of the first real examples of a neural correlate of consciousness."  Earl Miller: 2012 Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium



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