Thursday, November 8, 2012

Infusing Good Cholesterol May Help Unclog Arteries

See if your doctor would rather use this instead of the lawnmowerDrano, or standard?
An IV infusion of "good" HDL cholesterol seems to rapidly remove cholesterol out of plaque-clogged arteries following a heart attack, a small, early study suggests.
The goal of the new treatment is to reduce the high risk of a second heart attack in people who have had a heart attack.
In the year after a heart attack, about 12% of people have a second heart attack or stroke. And half of them happen in the first month, says researcher Andreas Gille, MD, PhD. Gille is head of clinical and translational science strategy at CSL Limited (which funded the study) in Parkville, Australia.
Standard heart attack medications, such as aspirin and anti-clotting drugs, prevent clotting but don’t eliminate an underlying factor: cholesterol that has built up on artery walls, he says.
HDL removes cholesterol from artery walls, but current HDL-boosting drugs, such as niacin and fibrates, take years to work, according to Gille.

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