Saturday, November 3, 2012

Question to StrokeSmart magazine

They were asking for article ideas and this was mine. I'm sure they won't do anything about it.
Where are we in the US about hyperacute therapies like Draculin, edaravone from Japan, enzognel from New Zealand? What should doctors be giving patients in the first days? fish oil?, statins?, anti-depressants? nitric oxide? ibuprofen? ceria nanoparticles? leg compressions? music? MMP-9? minocycline? levodopa? Honokiol? amantadine? melatonin? If you don't know about all of these you are pathetic.

Dear dean,
Last week, I sent you an important survey that National Stroke Association developed to help us in preparation for our relaunch of StrokeSmart™ magazine. If you haven’t already taken it, please take a few minutes to tell us more about your needs.
Thank you for your feedback. Your information will shape the future of StrokeSmart magazine.
signed by Taryn Fort
Taryn Fort
Director, Marketing and Communications

And yes, I know I'm dammed arrogant, these are all documented in postings in my blog.  Ask your countries stroke association about these or your doctor and watch them sputter.


  1. When will you hear back from StrokeSmart? Maybe they should ask you to write the summary of all these studies.

    1. They will never answer, you do know that survivors don't have any brain cells worth listening to.
