Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stroke survivors are invisible - Change that - start blogging

I originally wrote this 2 years ago and not one person notified me about starting their blog. With 11 million new survivors a year that's pathetic. Now that I'm getting 1000 hits a day maybe this will take.Start your own stroke blog. Stroke survivors as a whole are invisible, we need to change that.
Bringing stroke out of the shadows I don't want to find out 20 years from now that survivors still do not have a voice in their stroke associations and a way to direct where the future of stroke rehab leads.
Even if all we do is document our own case study that can immeasurably help another survivor.
You can create one here on Google

How to Start a Blog on Google Blogger -

Its free and I am sure there are other sites that allow free blogging.
Create a Blog for Free
Start Blogging & Share with Friends
Add Photos, Easy Blog Posting Tools
Start Your Free Blog
Simple, Easy, No Coding Necessary.
100,000+ Use HubPages. Start Today!
Start a Free, Fun Blog
Pictures, text, privacy controls
Free, easy, fun & safe. Start today — Get a Free Blog HereFree blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design templates, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other ...

When you have created one and posted a few entries please send me a link. I want to see thousands/millions out there. If it is not in English please tell me what language it is in. I will add yours to my blog list for others to find. If you want to be found by google read my posting on how to stay informed of stroke rehab

Do it now!!!!!!!


  1. I agree that every stroke survivor should have a blog. Just as it's true that "every stroke is different, every patient is different and every recovery is different." there is enough overlap between some of us that we can provide understanding and support simply by telling our stories. Our blogs help other survivors - sometimes with facts, ideas, or understanding.

    1. But I still hate the medical world using the statement,'Every stroke is different, every stroke recovery is different'. Its just their shorthand version of saying they don't know enough and don't care to find out more, thats a fireable offense in my book.
