Friday, December 28, 2012

Novel Drug May Protect Organs in Acute HF

My take on this. If it is relaxing blood vessels then maybe something like this needs to be researched if the reason it relaxes blood vessels is that pericytes let go. If so then it could be used in hyperacute therapy to open the capillaries that have been closed down by clamping pericytes.  Have your researcher get back to you with the answer.
The mortality reduction seen in acute heart failure with the novel blood vessel relaxer serelaxin may be a real effect from reduced end-organ damage and faster decongestion, exploratory analysis of the RELAX-AHF trial data suggested.
Safety results from that trial indicated a 37% reduction at 6 months in both cardiovascular death risk and in all-cause mortality with numbers needed to treat of less than 30.
The effect was virtually identical in combined analysis of the phase II and phase III studies with the drug (hazard ratio 0.62 for all-cause death, P=0.0076), Marco Metra, MD, of the University of Brescia, Italy, and colleagues reported online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Serelaxin treatment was associated with reduced markers of cardiac, renal, and liver damage and with less congestion at day two of the heart failure admission, which all correlated with 6-month mortality "providing a potential mechanism for the improved survival of serelaxin-treated patients."

The rest at the link

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