Monday, December 17, 2012

Stem cell treatments for dogs: Revolutionary procedure helps paralyzed dog recover after stroke

Amy, this is for you. Ask your doctor why your dog has this therapy before you.  Our pets are better taken care of than us humans, What do you say WSO, Australian Professor Stephen Davis?
Susan and Tim Enright's 5-year-old Chocolate Lab, Norman, had a stroke in April that left him paralyzed.

Now veterinarian Dr. Ronald Anders is performing stem cell treatments to help Norman recover.

The procedures may cost up to $2,250 dollars.

For the Enrights, its worth it.

"If it works, if it gets him up and walking at any quality of life again... we don't expect him to be out there chasing the frisbee, but if he does that will be a bonus," said Tim Enright.

Dr. Anders pulled fat cells and sent them to a lab to duplicate and create 4 million stem cells. They are sent back, and injected into Norman.

"It makes it much easier but it also makes it more rewarding because you see a patient like this that we couldn't help years ago that now we're able to help. The dog in most cases would be put to sleep but in this case the dog continues to thrive," Dr. Anders said.


  1. I will, I will be asking that.

    1. This is completely unprofessional and probably illegal, Stop reading now!!!
      You should be able to take your own
      fat cells to the processing place(they wouldn't know dog cells from
      human cells), that only leaves the problem in injecting them, I would
      prefer a nasal spray up the nose.
