Thursday, December 27, 2012

Your supporter record of the NSA

A recent email from the NSA. I have no intention of supporting them until they become a survivor focused organization. Well Mr. Baranski you know how to contact me and we can discuss your organization failings.

Supporter Number Supporter Name Supporter Since Online Contribution Status
1440161 reinke, dean Jan 17, 2008  PENDING

Dear dean,
I've been looking over our supporter records and I noticed that you haven't yet made an online contribution to National Stroke Association in 2012. There are just a few days left to support our work before Monday's midnight tax deduction deadline.
As an important part of our community, we're counting on your support to have the resources we need to continue working to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke. 
We depend on your contributions to help us reach the more than 7 million stroke survivors across the U.S. and to support their caregivers and families. You can help us provide additional, critical resources like our CarelivingCommunityand our newly redesigned StrokeSmart™ magazine.
With just 4 days left until the New Year, we need you to make a contribution of $25 or more to National Stroke Association in 2012. We're shooting to raise $50,000 before the deadline and you're critical to our success.
Every day, all of us at National Stroke Association are inspired by the generosity present in the stroke community. Thank you for standing with us.
I know we can count on you to be there again before 2012 is history.
Jim Baranski
Jim Baranski
Chief Executive Officer
National Stroke Association
P.S. If you've already given offline in 2012, I thank you for your support. Meeting this goal is crucial to our plans for 2012—if you are able to support our efforts once again, please click here.

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