Wednesday, February 20, 2013

20 Signs That You're A Narcissist - OK 18

Its been implied that I am a narcissist. Have at it, psychoanalyze me.
From an AOL link
definition from wikipedia;
Narcissism is a generalized personality trait characterized by egotism, vanity, conceit, or selfishness.
Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, narcissism is usually considered a problem in a person or group's relationships with self and others.
.the healthy narcissist being someone who has a real sense of self-esteem that can enable them to leave their imprint on the world, but who can also share in the emotional life of others.
 I do have a massive amount of self-esteem.
  1. You enjoy leading others and telling them what to do. Nope
  2. You are an entertainer. Nope
  3. You are likely young and male. Only half right
  4. You're a workaholic — which means you're also impatient and compulsive. Not really
  5. You often lie to make yourself seem better. Nope
  6. You are regarded as attractive and dress better than other people. Definitely not
  7. You really like to curse. Nope
  8. You wait for other people to stop talking so you can start. Nope
  9. And you put your needs before others. Nope
  10. You engage in a lot of sexual hookups. Nope
  11. You cheat in relationships. Nope
  12. And you feel no remorse about the people you hurt. Nope
  13. People consistently break up with you after four months of dating. Nope
  14. You really hate being criticized. Yep
  15. And you find ways to punish others when you feel you've been rejected. Nope
  16. You may seek admiration by devaluing others. Nope
  17. Your parents consistently ignored and adored you simultaneously. Nope
  18. If you're a guy, you choose your male friends to either attain a higher social status or have a partner to exploit women with.  Nope                

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