Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BrainAttack App Helps Emergency Room Doctors, Nurses Save Stroke Patients' Lives; Time-saving tPA Eligibility Tool for Clinical Use

Doctors are going to gush over this even though it still is all subjective. We still need the objective diagnosis like these fourteen.
Emergency room staff, neurologists and other mid-level health care providers racing the clock to treat stroke patients can now use [BrainAttack App the first interactive tPA decision–support app designed for clinical use, to help physicians save lives and prevent permanent disability by quickly determining the tPA eligibility for stroke patients.
BrainAttack App presents a series of questions regarding a patient’s relevant clinical information. Based on the responses to the questions, BrainAttack App determines tPA eligibility, reducing to a few minutes a cumbersome process that often requires 30 to 45-minutes of precious time. BrainAttack App processes the data accurately and more quickly than a person can and ensures standard of care guidelines are followed.
BrainAttack App was developed by a brother-sister team, Dr. Madhuri Koganti, a practicing Dallas neurologist, and Balu Kadiyala, a Chicago-area technology expert. They are partners in the firm NeuroCareTech, Inc.
Dr. Koganti sought her brother Balu’s expertise in solving a common problem facing emergency room staff: they must adhere to time-consuming guidelines by manually completing paper forms to determine whether stroke patients can receive tPA.
Tissue Plasminogen Activator, tPA, is an enzyme found naturally in the body that activates plasminogen into another enzyme to dissolve a blood clot. A life-saving treatment if given within three-hours of the onset of stroke symptoms, tPA can significantly reduce permanent disability and can reverse the effects of stroke and improve patients’ chances of leading healthy, productive lives.
Dr. Koganti points to research indicating that despite tPA’s widespread availability, it is not being widely used in hospitals. She says the factors preventing greater use of tPA are physicans’ fears of potential risks with tPA administration, legal liability and patients’ lack of knowledge about tPA benefits. [BrainAttack App not only helps determine patient tPA eligibility; it also determines whether the patient is ineligible, which is critical to avoiding fatal outcomes. Giving tPA to stroke patients that are not eligible can lead to severe complications, including death.
"Saving time makes all the difference in successful outcomes,” said Dr. Koganti. “Stroke patients must race against the clock to get tPA treatment to prevent permanent brain damage. BrainAttack App addresses a serious challenge for physicians, nurses and paramedics because we are fighting the clock, while striving for accuracy in our tPA treatment decisions. BrainAttack App can help hospitals achieve door-to-needle times of 60 minutes or less,” she added.
[BrainAttack App features the tPA eligibility tool and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, a systematic assessment tool that provides a quantitative measure of stroke-related neurologic deficit. The BrainAttack App is native to the iPhone or iPad and works even without an Internet connection, giving doctors anytime, anywhere access to the tool.
“BrainAttack App gives ER staff pocket-access through their smart phones, to tPA criteria so they can quickly determine eligibility, without needing paperwork, special log-in passwords, a computer or even the Internet,” said Balu Kadiyala.
BrainAttack App works on iPhone and iPad, the most commonly used mobile devices for U.S. doctors and is available for $5.99 on [iTunes.

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