Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cross-country skiing - Yeah

We got 5 inches of snow in the last storm which was wonderful because  we were losing our snow cover for the third time this winter.  Skied for about 2 hours, reversed one of the loops to not have to go on a very slight downhill, right now downhills with no groomed tracks are not possible. The only casualty was my nose, I was trying to duck under some small branches not realizing than one had thorns. It caught on my nose and since I was balanced on skis with my good hand holding my ski pole to keep me upright, I now have 2 pock marks and a one inch scratch across my nose, I bled like a stuck pig for a while. But it was fun.

1 comment:

  1. Good one. We have a drought at the moment in NZ. Come on out this winter (southern) and try our skiing, no vegetation to worry about!
