Saturday, March 2, 2013

Challenging stroke rehab

Don't even consider this unless your doctor oks it. I went to the local bar that has karaoke. Its two blocks away so I walked there.  I had 3 20 oz. beers in 3 hours. That wasn't enough to get me to sing, I can't sing worth a damn.  I could tell by the end that I was pretty plastered, wobbling all over the place to get to the bathroom. The walk home was entertaining, smoking a cigar and walking on iced over trails, better than me driving anyways. Successfully navigating my way home, staggering all over the paths and road home. Someday I'll have someone to lean on. Tomorrow it is cross country skiing and the  stroke movie Amour.  I refuse to let this damned stroke stop me from living.   Since I am my own doctor he ok'd this therapy.  It was pushing the boundaries of my abilities, which means it was a great idea for me.

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