Friday, April 19, 2013

Dalai Lama's secret to happiness

A woman I met recently asked why I was smiling all the time. This from the Dalai Lama pretty well sums it up. Its up to you.  I will be happy.
“There is a Tibetan saying: ‘When things are difficult, then let yourself be happy.’ Otherwise, if happiness is relying on others or the environment or your surroundings, it’s not possible. Like an ocean, the waves always go like that but underneath, it always remains calm. So we have the ability as well. On an intellectual level, we may see things as desperate, difficult. But underneath, at the emotional level, you can keep calm.”


  1. Yes, yes, yes: one effect of basing your happiness on external circumstances is that when a disaster strikes (another's death, medical, financial, professional relationship, etc.), you become unhappy; and the converse - that success in all of those aspects is required to be happy. Not likely.
