Saturday, April 20, 2013

Why, not what or how stroke rehab

Why do I do what I do? Research everything to do with stroke.
1. My doctor told me nothing, not even that I had a stroke, he referred to it as a CVA and I had to ask what the hell that was. It became obvious that nothing was planned or coordinated with a goal in mind. This really offended my sensibilities as a programmer in a business setting. In programming, you have requirements that you write your code to accomplish. In the stroke rehab world there was nothing like that, just excuses, all strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different. If I said something like that to my manager after getting an assignment I would be fired.
Why should people care?
1 in 5 people will have a stroke and if you don't want to spend all your time just figuring out how to recover with no guidance. Then you should join my crusade to create a Great stroke association.
Why should people join, help, or be a part of your cause? The existing ones have totally failed. We can prevent lots of damage if we find a way to stop the neuronal cascade of death.
And yes, I know I'm incredibly arrogant for thinking that I can do better that all the stroke associations and doctors out there.
I don't think small.

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