Monday, May 27, 2013

[Act FAST] Now what? - NSA email

You'll have to see if you believe the statements in here. I don't.
Act Fast for Stroke - Donate Today

Dear dean,
You hear it all the time—do your part, act FAST, spread awareness, know the signs, get to the hospital. But now what? You hope the hospital has the resources necessary to recognize and treat a stroke quickly.
Stroke TeamNational Stroke Association’s Stroke Center Network is a community of hundreds of hospitals, rehabilitation centers and healthcare professionals working together to ensure you or your loved ones are receiving the best stroke care possible.
We provide education to our partners to make sure they stay up to date on the best stroke guidelines and the newest treatment options, and to help train hospital staff. (The problem is the guidelines aren't good enough to save neurons from the neuronal cascade of death, naked emperor and all.)
From community awareness to hospital preparedness to recovery resources and rehabilitation support, we are working every day to improve and save lives. But we can't do it alone and the best hospitals can’t do it alone—we need you.
Your support plays a central role in keeping our network strong and our community reach as wide as it can be, and helps us improve stroke care from recognition to hospital to home.
Please give today to support hospital education and help us make sure you, your family and your friends have access to the best stroke care available. Don't forget this May, three generous sponsors have stepped up and offered $30,000 in matching funds to double your contribution.
One of National Stroke Association’s very first network partners is OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Ill.—a model of stroke excellence.
Their stroke team strives for the best care for every stroke patient, every time. Last year, OSF even matched the world record for fastest stroke treatment: nine minutes.
“You need team dedication and passion to make it work, [but] we can’t do what we need to unless people get here! We really promote National Stroke Association’s FAST message and the importance of calling 9-1-1.”—from a recent interview with OSF’s chief stroke nurse coordinator, Jan Jahnel
National Stroke Association is a part of Jan’s team. We make sure they have resources to not only provide support to stroke survivors, but also educate their surrounding community about stroke.
Your donation helps us improve stroke care from the onset of a stroke to the hospital to home.
Reducing the impact and incidence of stroke—that’s our mission. We can’t meet our mission without our stroke team in place—our community, our network and you.
Thank you,
Sharon Januchowski Signature
Sharon Januchowski
Executive Vice President
National Stroke Association
Act Fast for Stroke - Donate Today

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