Sunday, May 26, 2013

Can acupuncture help stroke survivors?

Considering who is sponsoring the study, this is biased from the start. First you have to somehow believe there are energy meridians.
A study is looking at whether acupuncture could help improve gait and limb movements after a stroke.
Weakness and paralysis are one of the most significant, and disabling, after effects of stroke. There is no obvious way of reversing the problem, although time and rehabilitation measures may produce some improvement. Researchers at the New England School of Acupuncture, together with colleagues at Masssachusetts General Hospital and others, are looking at whether acupuncture can improve functioning following a stroke.
Stroke patients will be given either real or ‘sham’ acupuncture. Advanced computer technology will be used to analyse gait and limb movements and brain imaging will examine any changes in blood flow patterns. The study should shed light on the value of acupuncture in stroke – previous research has proved inconclusive.


  1. From various medical studies (evidence-based) at major universities and personal experience, acupuncture works. Of course, the knowledge and skills of practitioners varies widely. This variance is one among various reasons why scientific understanding is needed -- to "separate the wheat from the chaff".

    I recommend the award-winning documentary by Douglas Dearth, "9000 Needles". Doug's brother, Devin, had a brain stem stroke and was unable to move or talk. His family and community raised sufficient money for Devin and a few family members to go to China and a highly touted medical clinic which featured acupuncture. About 3 months later, Devin, using two crutches which strapped around his forearms, walked out of the clinic. Not at all completely healed, Devin nonetheless had made significant progress healing while in China.

    1. The Devin Dearth film is totally anectdotal and thus at the lowest rung of scientific proof. Sorry Billy, its just a form of placebo.

  2. Acupuncture can heal or be an instrument in healing so many illnesses. I would recommend everyone, especially the skeptics, to give it a try.

    1. Oh my both chiropractic and acupuncture, double the woo.
      I would never recommend acupuncture, there is no scientific basis behind it.

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