Saturday, June 29, 2013

11 Intelligence Killing Foods You Need To Avoid

I guess I've already killed all my intelligence. You'll have to read their opinion at the link. Mine is right here with my reduced intelligence. So don't listen to me. Your doctor should know all this.
1. Sugary Products
From this link comes this paragraph:  
How Coffee and Donuts Enhance Memory
From your brain's perspective, sugar is indispensable. It will do whatever is necessary to convince you to eat sugar as often as possible. Why? Your brain needs sugar (usually in the form of glucose) to function normally. The billions and billions of neurons in your brain require a constant supply of sugar to maintain their ability to produce energy and communicate with other neurons. Your neurons can only tolerate a total deprivation of sugar for a few minutes before they begin to die.
2. Alcohol
I think I fall in this category.
Can alcohol make men smarter? Study suggests yes
Dark beer is good for you, in moderation 
Intelligence isn't everything, social companionship counts for a lot, its why I love wine tasting parties.

3. Junk Food
4. Fried Foods
5. Processed Or Pre-Cooked Foods
6. Very Salty Foods
But they haven't figured out salt yet.
World Health Day 2013: Cutting down on salt reduces stroke risk

7. Grains, Except 100% Whole Grain
8. Processed Proteins
9. Avoid Trans Fats At All Costs
10. Artificial Sweeteners
11. Nicotine  
But I think nicotine is going to help recovery.

nicotine and stroke rehab


  1. I agree with all but one, Dean, and it's just because I'm not sure what the term means. What is processed protein?

    Also, I think multivitamins should be on the list. Doctors will tell you that they aren't doing you any good. Seeing that the pills are basically chemicals, I would think this should be on the list as something bad for you.
